Living with us

Most of the support provided by the Trust is delivered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  We operate with a high ratio of staff to individuals receiving support.  Most of our services support four or less individuals.  This ensures that we can provide personalised support and to assist everyone to engage in activities that meet their personal needs and preferences.

Supported Living

Our supported living services are usually very active and busy places.  They have been described as homely and familiar.  The individuals we support are encouraged to explore new activities, develop new friendships and to learn independent living skills. Following the covid-19 pandemic they have also become places full of creativity and fun, as we have not let social isolation and lockdowns stop us from keeping in touch with relatives and friends.  All of our services have tablet computers that facilitate contact with relatives and friends, and access to wider community events such as bingo and virtual discos.

The delivery of care and support within our Supported Living services is overseen by a Registered Manager who is responsible for ensuring we deliver outstanding support.  In addition to this, there is a local management team that has responsibility for the day to day running of every service.  Our staff teams are highly experienced, well trained and have usually worked for the Trust for many years.

If you would like to learn more about our how we deliver outstanding supported living services, or arrange for a visit, please do get in touch.

Residential Care

Our aim is to provide high quality, specialist support to those with profound learning and physical disabilities. Our decades of experience in supporting individuals with profound needs mean that we are able to care for individuals with highly complex and life-limiting conditions.  That does not stop us from striving to engage and involve them in every aspect of their lives.  We have developed our own set of Profound and Multiple-Disability Standards which focus on how we can communicate with and involve individuals in meaningful and measurable ways.

We continually follow good practice and work with recognised experts to deliver the highest quality care and support.  Our properties are fully accessible and are equipped with the latest equipment and technology.  We remain committed to developing strategies focused on health and well-being, end of life support and meaningful engagement.

If you would like to speak with us to learn more about our services, or arrange for a visit, we would love to hear from you.